Monday, March 8, 2010

When reality and dreams collide

Imagination allows me to see the things that could never be
reality reminds me invariably that it holds the key
the only escape is to close my eyes 
to transpose the lies
into something more real
so real
that I can even feel
the magic when unified 
maybe to some, it's undignified
but at least I'm undone
when with you, everything is won
no cares in the world, no matter to tend
I'm just a girl,  lost in the wind
blown away by everything You are
to close my eyes and what was  far
is now near, embracing, heart is racing
this is it finally, no more spacing
because I am
I am
complete, I am disengaged
by this plague
of giving away the most precious of parts
to you I have given my heart
rather it be in your hands
than in reality's droning plans
if only
why only
is reality the way
can't this dream, please stay
until it becomes possible
I escape to the place where impossible
BECOMES reality. 
when dreams meet reality
danger strikes but set's my spirit free
now's the time to go away
and in your beautiful emanation I will stay