Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Badjao People- Evangelization Information

Badjou's worshipping
About a decade ago God began to do a work among the Badjao people living off the coast of the Batangas. The Badjao's in the area were completely malnourished, illiterate, and impoverished. God not only transformed their hearts but also there lives.
Their unique way of life could cause a challenge to bringing the gospel cross culturally, but as Glenn Hatcher shared with us in class we should always be looking for ways to build bridges by asking God, "What is the biblical response to the lostness in the world?"
The missionaries who have began to work along side the Badjao people listed several helpful strategies on their website of how God used them and closed cultural gaps in order to bring the gospel effectively.
First they were able to build a relationship with the chief of the people in people in that area. Along with the chief their first step was also building relationships with the council members and community. This is vital for a lot of people groups. As we have learned in class and through our material, some people respond in groups rather than individually. Individualism is often a western way of thinking, so sometimes, just as these missionaries presented, it's best to appeal to those in charge of groups.
Along with the strategy to build relationships God used them to have crusades and also build up the community through food distribution, water provision, and health assistance.
The missionaries in this particular place wrote of how God really began to work in the crusades through the children and then from the children through the adults.
In my personal endeavors I would strategize the same way. I would probably start with observing and learning the culture, then building relationships, and follow the Holy Spirit to see how he wants to work in their lives whether through discipleship, crusades, or church plants.

I pray you would continue to work among the Badjao people. Open their hearts to your love and fill them physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Help them to walk in truth. I pray for those who are believers, that they would take what you have given them and that they would give it away. Thank you that you sent Jesus to a world that wasn't His home and  showed us the example  of living among others by making His home with us. I pray that you would use whoever you wish to make their home among the Badjao's to be a light and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.. so that you would be glorified through your sons and daughters turning to you. Give us wisdom to close cultural gaps and help us to be led by the spirit to take your message. For your glory and in the name of your son Jesus. Amen.

Psalm 47:1 Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.

Thanks for checking out my blog and reading about the Badjao people. Please continue to pray for this people group.
The following video is a glimpse into the life of the Badjao people from all ages and walks of life, enjoy!

Send us to the nations,to the broken... lead us to surrender, we will go
-Arisen Band