Monday, July 12, 2010

Shhhhhhhhhh.... It's a secret

I can't help but to wonder about the remote or not so remote places in the world where Christianity is not allowed and if it is allowed, it's only allowed with extreme isolation and persecution. Yesterday I was reading about a church in Asia that quickly caught my attention. The church I read about captivated my thinking because it consisted of a group of about 20 leaders who gathered together in secret to study the word of God and to be further equipped to carry out the will of God in their lives and in their community. In this part of Asia it is illegal to gather together with these kind of intentions, in this type of atmosphere.. but they did it anyway. I read that each individual traveled at different times of the day, not by an SUV or car, but by foot and on bike. They each came at different times so that it wouldn't be obvious that they were gathering together for such event. The leaders shared stories of their churches and wanted strength to equip Christians that God had placed under their leadership. The leaders needed to know how to equip the saints to endure opposition from cults that persecuted Christians. One woman leader said this: "I need to know how to lead my church, even if it costs them everything." Needless to say, people in her church were losing their lives and facing persecution from government officials...because they followed Christ.  Hearing this story, which contained even more graphic details, literally clenched my heart and the Holy Spirit begin to speak....

Somewhere there are people in this world who left their jobs, communities, family, and safety to walk miles upon miles to get to a "hidden church". Their fellowship cost them something, their worship cost them something, their studying of the word cost them something. It could have cost them all they had....their very life.

It's amazing to me, that when following God means so much to you, you will risk anything & everything to know Him and to spread His gospel. I'm thankful that we don't face that kind of persecution in our country and that we can freely come together as believers and freely speak about God, but I want it to cost me something. A life to one person may be different to another person. To one it may be your life to another it may be selfishness, pride, time, or money. Jesus is worth everything, no matter what it is. Worth cannot be compartmentalized and if it is, then it's not worth much. Abandonment to God cannot be bargained, but comes at one price alone. I am thankful that Jesus did not bargain my worth, but paid it in full with His life, so that I could have life. Love has no limits on the amount it gives. That's what the love of Christ shows us, that He gives and loves all with no conditions. It's easy to ask God to speak..... with our terms and conditions, but God wants us to live outside of "ourselves" per say and in doing that God has to speak to us outside of our ideals and regulations. What I mean by that is "God I will do this.. if", I will give you everything if I know ______", if you give me a raise, I will give to those in need. But thankfully our infinite, all knowing, all powerful, God is so much bigger and doesn't work according to our terms and conditions....because we would definitely be in trouble. (In reality we are so tiny in comparison to Him).

I have heard stories and read stories of Muslim people who encountered for the first time a man named Jesus who was not some "far off god" but was a personal Father and Savior from all sin, and after revelation of this truth literally gave up everything . See in their culture, to follow Islamic law and all the details brings great honor to your family. To deny it brings extreme dishonor to both family, country, and their god. Muslim people who have encountered God and decided to follow Jesus, have faced extreme persecution and exile from their family. See, the scripture in Luke (14:26-27) that says, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. In this very same teaching to the crowd of people, Jesus tells them in a parable to first count the cost before building to see if the task can be completed. That scripture to them, means everything. Honoring your family is a big deal in the Islamic society but when they meet Jesus they give up what they have understood as value, ideals, rules, & regulations their entire life.. so that they can pursue Him daily into an unknown faith.
The chance of knowing a personal savior in comparison to the risk of dishonoring their family and forsaking all they knew was worth it, because to them Jesus is worth it. 

Then you hear about the Christians in Nigeria who live in a constant struggle to be able to practice their faith. They struggle against their Muslim neighbors who don't want them evangelizing the gospel of Christ. The struggles isn't 'name calling' or simple things like that, but their churches are being burned down and people are facing a brutal death... all in order to practice their faith. 

All these people have one thing in common, being with Jesus may cost them their very life, but to them it's worth it. How amazing that the spirit of God is moving on the hearts of people in all nations among all people.
His love, grace, and call to follow is being spread in all places!!!! 

In Acts 20 when Paul was talking to the Ephesian church leaders, He knew the Holy Spirit was leading Him to Jerusalem  and he also knew that he would face persecution there. But Paul said these profound words that came from his abandoned heart in a sold out relationship with Christ...."I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."

  • Let our lives cost us something, because HE is worth it.
  • Be consumed and driven by the love, grace, purpose, direction and heart of God. 
  • Pray for the people who face and endure persecution because of their faith and who live in this kind of bondage, that God would give them strength and empower them, and that people all over would receive a revelation of who He is. 
  • Pray for Uganda as they have recently been attacked! Pray for the peace of God and restoration in the country as well as a stepping out of the leadership! 

And for us, let's not settle for normal, mundane, but allow God to take inventory of our lives and hearts so that our life can become more of a reflection of Him!

These are realities that people all over the world face to know Jesus. These things here really amaze me and shake me up!
Sometimes we can hear or read a scripture so much that it loses it's powerful meaning and challenging ability (when we allow it to), but here is one scripture to sum it all up:

2 Samuel 24:24
David says as he builds an altar to God:
"nor will I offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God with that which costs me nothing."

Rather than living a life of comfort and stability let's dare to live a life of passion and pursuit of following our Savior! 
Below are some links to some videos I encourage you to watch...
one is about the Nigeria churches and persecution..
the other is about a woman(Bilquis Sheikh) who grew up in a prominent Muslim family in Pakistan and began to encounter Jesus and faced hardships due to practicing her faith.... very powerful!!

Victims in Nigeria
Bilquis Sheikh


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