Thursday, January 14, 2010

A rubiks cube would be easier than this...

Frustration seems to be one step away from discouragement in a majority of situations. A lot of people walk through different seasons, struggles, or situations, but I so happen to constantly walk in frustration for whatever reason I don't know. Frustration involving trying to figure things out only leads to confusion and searching out the human logic. Frustration is literally like being in a "wheelchair" and never fully being able to enjoy freedom. Not too mention the confusion part, because that intensifies frustration. So maybe my answer is why? or what next? or what can I do to not have this unwelcome tag-a-long. What can I do to change this thing that has always been there? Hmm, this is why a majority of times taking that Rubik' cube would be easier, trivial, but easier. All I would have to do is line up the colors. Wow, but how to do that to myself? I am really hoping that something different, so different than anything I have ever experienced before is right around the corner!

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