Wednesday, January 6, 2010

sixty seconds

Well it's 2010, a new year, new beginning, a start to something else. Somehow between the minute turnover from 11:59pm 12/31/09, until 12:00 am 1/1/10, the sixty seconds brings a hopefulness that the next year can be different and even better than the last twelve months of the previous year. It's really a neat thing that people all over the world make new goals and reach for new heights in their lives. The aspirations depend on the individual and to each their own circumstances. In that sixty seconds we realize 2010, or the marking of a new year is a place for fresh starts. I love fresh starts, face it we all do. I love knowing that yesterdays mistakes, flaws, failures, and mishaps don't have to carry over into a new day or even a new year. I guess one thing though for sure I have realized is nothing changes in that sixty seconds unless I change. Goals are not met unless we make a change, and not change big all at one time but just ..... step. A lot of times I picture change as this amazing transformation, like I am literally a mighty "morphing" power ranger. Change as this amazing 360 degree turn in a matter of seconds. Sure change can occur for better or worse in a matter of seconds, we can open up an envelope and realize we randomly won a million dollars in a matter of seconds, or in a matter of seconds we can rear end the guy ahead of us and both situations present change in our lives. However, change in lifestyle is kind of like a step. Say we are climbing some stairs to get from where we are to where we are going. It's a lot of stairs, several flights of stairs. You go from the bottom level to the first stair, and you think to yourself... wow, I haven't changed a bit, but in all reality you are higher than you were. Then to the third, and fourth and so on. Change is an occurring thing, but during the climb we may not recognize it. The important thing to recognize, is just because you automatically have not transformed into your "goal" person or achieved your greatest achievements in a day, doesn't mean you are not reaching. I know a lot of times, because I don't hit my goal with one try I get discouraged, but what I don't realize is in the climb I am changing. With one step, even if I am only 1 inch higher than I was before, I am one inch closer than what I was to reaching my destination. In the matter of sixty seconds we have before the new year is brought in, sometimes we expect to wake up the next day and automatically be different, be a better person, be thinner, get paid more, be happier, be healthier, be cleaner, be more studious. We expect to be, but not do in order to be. I know that's weird wording. But I sometimes just expect without every doing anything. I guess I just want to start taking the little steps in my life that equal the big picture instead of just wondering why I never get the big picture with out making a little mark on the paper. Do I have goals, of course! Do I hope for the future, sure I do. Instead of just hoping and just dreaming, I want to walk those goals out daily. Daily reaching, daily striving. I do hope greater things occur in 2010. I want to grab hold of victories in my own life that I have never walked in and put my hands on the things that are mine and that I want in life. I have to Move TOward those things in order to grab hold of it. Instead of always wanting, I want to be. Instead of wanting to be intimate with God and hoping for it, I want to BE intimate with Him. Instead of hoping to be used by Him, I want to be used by Him. so in order to have such things, I should walk in it! I have been thinking about the story of Cain and Able and some things I have heard about them before. God was pleased when Able brought his offering of the firstborn. He just brought his very best. I understand that everyday my best will not be given to the Lord because I fail, but I am thankful that I walk in grace. Everyday I want to strive to please God, but the difference between then and now, is I please God through the blood of Jesus that covers me. I recently heard something that I think gave me knew knowledge and knew freedoms in my life and it was that, it's easy to become condition centered instead of position centered. Condition centered meaning your daily spiritual walk with God over your position that He made for you. Being concerned about the condition of your walk is very important, should not be neglected, and should be the number one priority in our day to day events. However sometimes focusing on where we are not presents and open door that the enemy come in and discourage us, but waking up every day knowing we are positioned as sons or daughters of God, pleasing Him through the blood of Jesus, abiding in Him as child and not slave, living freely and in love, and just "being" in His presence is very important to remember also. Condition changes, but when we are saved our position never will. I daily want to remember my position and not be discouraged by where my condition is or is not. I do want things to change in me, one just knowing my position and knowing that it is based on nothing I do. Secondly I want my condition to improve. I want old baggage to be gone and daily just spend time with God and be a witness to people around me. These are two goals that are small. They are DAILY steps but overall it will change everything about me, my views, my ways, and the people around me. There will be good days and there will be bad days. Whatever it is I want to go about it and make that day count. I want to make the moments count, make my day count, smile at people who need to be smiled at. Hold doors for ppl and talk to ppl. I want to drink coffee and read my bible and let my entire world world to be rocked and changed. Daily changed, daily transforming, daily yearning. Different than ever before because I want change and I'm not going to wait for one big moment, but enjoy the little moments that make up big experiences. What a journey, some days warm and sunny, some cold and rainy, but all in all it's a journey and a journey greater than me. I walk a journey to know the One who created the most miraculous and detailed of creations. It took men years and several tries to create a light bulb, but ALL of this was created in only a week. We can't even handle our small day to day tasks and get everything done in the week that we need done, but God created the entire earth. Galaxies, planets, mountains, trees, deserts, valleys, rivers, oceans, butterflies, ants, gnats, centipedes, and the human who in itself should have taken 2,000,000,000 years to create because of it's mechanics and detail. The God who created all of that has chosen me to take such a journey to know Him, to be His daughter, His disciple. Then to share such a wonder with many people. 2010 is going to be a good year, now to just walk towards all the goals. Remember that 60 doesn't change anything but time, unless we decide to change. Journey, moving forward one step at a time. In the words of a pop star, It's the climb!

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