Wednesday, June 16, 2010

All access---Love!

It's amazing to know that God, is never unavailable and never too distant for us. The God of  all creation is not too far out of reach and we have all access to Him through the work of the cross. It's a captivating thought to understand that God created us and desires to be in relationship with us. He doesn't require it, but through the life of Jesus we see that God gave everything so that we could be reconciled back to Him. Nothing compares to the love of God. Who knows you better than the one that created you? No one knows the depth that God put inside of you before he formed you, except Him. God takes the time to be with us, to commune with us. In the garden, prior to the Fall of Man, the world was"one" with God. After the fall of man, we had to live in the curse of sin, which separates us from our maker. Jesus reconciled that gap by being born of a virgin, living a life to exhibit who God was, and then die a cruel death on the cross, to then overcome death and sin. Because of this, God is ever-present and we have all access to Him in our lives. Each day, I can wake up and come to God through grace to know Him, talk to Him, and daily encounter Him. This is life changing to catch the revelation that God loves to spend time with His children. He invests in us and goes to the depths to rescue us in this life! God's goodness never ends, his grace is not limited, and His time is not like ours. He is everywhere, always! Inside of each person is a divine plan, that God placed in us. The Bible says that we were created in His image, so somewhere in us despite our worldliness, is characteristics of God. When we begin to search after God to know Him more, His characteristics, His heart, and His plan for our lives begins to surface. When your life is turned over to your Savior, you begin to walk in you really are! At this point, you realize your life isn't your own, but that we belong to God! Perspectives on life begin to change, and you realize that each day counts! Knowing who God is, asks that we live every day on purpose. Embracing the heart of God and living a life accordingly is a full life. Love begins in us, by knowing the love of Christ and it's then spread to those around us. God's heart is zealous for the world, that includes us and all people, of every nation, race, language.etc.  The sincere love of God reached us at our lowest points, so the love of God in us will reach the world around us! It takes no specific equation to be in relationship with God, but that you allow realize that forgiveness for all sin, is in the work of Christ and that He is lord and Savior...We were created to know God, find out who we are in Him, and live a life to make Him known. I'm definitely thankful that every day I can experience God and live a life for Him.. there's no greater life!

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