Monday, June 14, 2010

Make the Day Count!

On most jobs people do what they must do in order to provide proof of hours worked in order to gain their wages for the time spent on the job. You can almost visualize 90% of our society running into the office after a very hectic morning, to make it to the time clock so they can clock in on time, and then at the end of the day they anxiously await the clock to roll over from 4:59 to 5:00 so they can clock out for an afternoon of relaxation.
We live in a fast paced environment and clocking in/clocking out is the norm for the working crowd. Unfortunately, sometimes "clocking in and clocking out" rolls over from just our jobs or other obligations in life to our relationship with God and what He wants to do through us.Thankfully God never takes a break to stop doing His work in my life or from fulfilling His purposes in the world, because my life would probably be wrecked.
The bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:11:He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
When we get to the place that we realize God is always at work in our individual lives, for us and with us, and also at work in the lives around us it's easy to see that He never takes a break and that as He works for eternal purposes, that we should also work for the eternal purposes in life. God has set eternity in our hearts and although we spend each day walking on the earth, surrounded by the temporary, we are still on eternal time meaning everything we do now will make an eternal difference. While we may think that we have things to do according to our own agenda, our personal plans, goals, "stresses", etc, what we are actually living in this lifetime is on God's time. With the amazing revelation that God fights for us our entire life and created us for Him to be in relationship with Him and live for Him, revolutionizes the way we view "time" here on earth. The simple fact of knowing we don't choose Him, but He chooses us and places destiny in our lives, handpicking us while we were even in our mothers wombs, shows me that my time is not my own and the "time" I consider lengthy is but a moment to my savior in comparison to eternity. So, knowing eternity is in my heart and every moment can count for something great, it causes my walk to be different, my talk to be different. This revelation allows you to see from a greater perspective and rearranges your life, so that you position yourself to daily make your life count for something. Making the day count doesn't necessarily mean doing the most grand of things, but God will put you in a place in your life surrounded by people who need to know Him. That's a way to make the day count, that's away to make the hours, minutes, and seconds count. Praying and seeking God on behalf of His people will result in God sharing his compassion for people with you. At this point your heart will begin to break for the things His breaks for, the lost, hurting, idolaters, sick, poor, the lady at the grocery store, or the guy you always see whose eyes show emptiness. Living a life of impact can start with where you are, and count for all eternity. Loving people as Jesus showed His love for you counts for eternity. It doesn't take some magnificent equation, but a daily obedience to God's voice and willingness to lay down your life for those around you! That changes the course of man-kind greater than any event ever could. Everyday=Eternity, we are living it now, and from the moment we accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior eternity set in our hearts and the clock began ticking to do the will of the one who Sent us. Everyday at that point our lives had the potential to really count for something. Jesus on his life journey, poured Himself out every single day, whether it was investing in the disciples, ministering to the crowds, sharing with the Pharisees, who would misunderstand Him, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and loosing the bound. What an extraordinary life that throughout His entire life He exhausted all He had, poured out all He was to the people He daily came in contact with, no matter where He was. Eternity was set in His heart. In the final moments of His life, when Jesus was on the cross He bridged the gap due to sin that separated the Father from man-kind,  He paid the price for our sins, and then as He was ressurected, defeating all the enemie's tactics and giving us opportunity for new life. Because of His entire life and because of the mighty work of the cross and ressurection, He made a way for eternity to be set in our hearts. How different would our lives be like if we knew everyday was not our own, but a day to do the will of the one who sent us. How different would the world around us be, if this wasn't only a thought, but a mindset to which a lifestyle followed. His kingdom work is being fulfilled all around us, and by asking Him to allow us to be a part we can be a mighty part in the work He began. Daily obedience, living everyday for eternal purposes will not only change us, the world around us, but bring honor to God, because this is His heart.With the technology we have, an email can be sent in a second, a text message can be sent in a second.. it is all very fast paced. With a second what kind of impact can we make? With our time what kind of eternal investments can we make? No spiritual clocking in and clocking out, but using the 86,400 seconds in your day to know God, hear Him, and make Him known... living a life reflecting the Father can never stop.

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