Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What does Christmas mean... to me?

This is such a personal and specific thing and I am not sure if it can even be summed up in words honestly, but I can try to explain what Christmas means to me.
Christmas is a celebration of an event that all creation waited for, was created for, and remembers still to this very day. Scripture points to the coming of the King, the arrival of the king, and was forever changed because of it. It amazes me because of God's sovereign plan to redeem mankind and make a way for us to have access to him, in spite of our humanity and it can all be summed up in Jesus. The birth of Jesus was God's plan unfolding for all the world to embrace His love and mercy through the life of the Savior. When I think about what it means to me personally it just amazes me. I feel like in my heart I have the same reaction of "awe" as most of those who heard of the birth, who witnessed the birth, and who waited for the King's arrival and all I can do is respond in humble adoration bringing to Him all that I am. I believe that worship plus devotion in daily life will overall describe what Christmas means to me. As I think about Mary and Joseph and many of the other individuals who had such a tight knit relationship with God that they received revelation and took abandoned steps of obedience to God no matter what risks surrounded them, I am completely challenged. They were ordinary people just like I am and we probably have many of the same struggles, especially when stepping into the realm of the unfamiliar. You see that they gave their lives completely to God, even the things they didn't understand. Mary never prayed to fully understand God's plan, she just accepted what He spoke and followed through. Then Joseph who could have escaped the whole scenario considering Jesus wasn't typically his, but He stayed. He accepted the God's purpose without 100% knowing what it would cost him, but every time God revealed his direction in a dream, Joseph obeyed. Mary and Joseph are examples of those who are completely consumed with God and wrapped up in His plan. It challenges me to never hesitate to give all that I am to God for his cause, even when I don't understand. It challenges me to see with eyes of faith instead of only the things I can comprehend. It challenges me to cause my entire life to be about the King and determined by Him.
As we remember that God sent His son to save a lost, broken world in need of a Savior, let's be willing to be sent out from where we are so that they world may know him. There are no limitations on who God uses in the sending; he used a girl in the least likely of conditions to usher in the greatest gift of all... Immanuel.


  1. Such a challenging perspective. Thanks for sharing! I love it!

  2. The ordinary becoming extraordinary....only God can do that! This is great!
