Monday, February 14, 2011

How on Earth Did I get Here?

As I reflect over God's faithfulness, I realize some things He has done that just completely boggles my finite mind. The other morning, I had the privilege of having breakfast with a wonderful young woman. She grew up in Saudi Arabia and was telling me about her father having three wives, and the widespread common practice of polygamy in the middle east. She viewed this as common, but she didn't want this for herself. This past September, God in His awesome grace allowed me to go to Uganda where women deal heavily with oppression from circumstances such as polygamy and abuse from their society. It was a pretty extreme condition to see firsthand. Just a few weeks ago God led me and my spiritual mom to a conference in Concord, North Carolina where many women gathered. Fortunately hearing the coordinator share personally, we were able to learn more about the oppression of women and how harsh it is in South America, India, and places all over the world. Basically my point is that following God puts you in some of the most bizarre places. As we follow God in surrendered obedience He leads us to the place that may seem uncomfortable but He uses those things to open our eyes to those things on His heart. Through that, He entrusts us to do something. God is a lot different than the internet, He doesn't give information to be useless or more "knowledgeable"; He gives revelation for sons and daughters to partner with Him in kingdom building. I'm sure that if we could talk to Daniel (exile in Babylon) he would say the exact same thing. His life may have not looked exactly like what he thought it would have, but it was exactly the way God wanted it to be and he was probably amazed at where he ended up. Obedience often times seems to take us to the places we least expected, but to the places that make a lot of difference in the kingdom. God is so good, faithful, and I am thankful that He allows us to be a part of His plan. More than anything, it's really amazing that God, the creator of it all, entrusts us with such an amazing purpose! That's a lot of love and grace!

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