Thursday, October 29, 2009

Grace Abounds......

A lot of times it's hard to know where to begin, but at the same time it's very easy. Begin at the Cross. Although at times for myself having everything redeemed at the cross or made right is hard to fathom in my "humanness". But when I really think about it, the cross is the best thing. I think about all the times I have messed up, but where sin abounds grace also abounds. Not that I want to mess up or fail, but things happen. It's just amazing because Jesus is my hero. He is the only person that I don't have to prove myself to. A lot of times with people it's almost like you have to prove yourself to be sorry and prove yourself to be different and prove yourself to be better. This could take days, months, and even years. Often times it's hard not to get in that mindset with God, you know trying to earn your righteousness. Having a bad attitude, getting more frustrated because you aren't having a right one, and failing all the more... but during this time God is all sufficient. I think on days where I try to earn my righteousness that I am going around one big frustrating mountain, when God is waiting the entire time for me to become aware of HIS greatness and grace. That's like the children of Israel when they wandered around...they wandered around because they were trying to do things "in themselves apart from God!" That option NEVER works! Everything is by the cross. Pure human existence and freedom is in the cross. This was a VERY crucial gap to be filled.. and Jesus filled that gap, being driven by pure love and compassion for His people. Its awesome and amazing. I know that nothing can hold me back, because Jesus defeated everything. He broke old habits, he broke generational curses, He defeated guilt, and provided forgiveness for the worst of sins.
When I think about a sinner, really understanding God's grace, I think about Saul(Paul). This is a man, who relentlessly persecuted God and His children. So he is determined to cancel out God's work and then in a moments time is blinded by God, then later visited by Ananias, and baptized with scales falling off His eyes. A chap. of two later, the word says... Immediately Paul preached.
I mean I can't imagine how much pounding guilt burdened him, but Grace abounds all the more. In 1st Timothy 1 Paul talks about all the things he used to be and how thankful he is that God enabled him and found him faithful for ministry and then Paul says, the GRACE of our Lord is exceedingly abundant. A supply and resource that never runs out. Everything is through the cross. Not just two wood things built together, but the Sacrifice. Jesus was and is the greatest gift than mankind could ever receive. We are never fully alive until this moment. He takes nothing and turns it into something. Another amazing thing is what God told Ananias about Paul. He said "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of mine, to bear My name before Gentiles, kings and the children of Israel." "For I will show Him how many things he must suffer for My name!" I mean I know that we always hear how Christian will suffer, and the term suffering has changed. Today we view suffering as having to give up sin for Him, or not be able to do certain things like "go out", or being looked at weird for praying over food. But suffering then, was being beheaded, hanged, crucified, stoned, and even imprisoned. I don't think I want to hang out with Paul and say yeah I suffered too... because someone called me stupid for praying out loud. Jesus suffered GREATLY for me a pain I will never know..... so whatever sacrifice I have to make, I want to. I am thankful today that grace abounds and that his grace is sufficient. I am thankful today that God is more than enough, all sufficient God. There is no one else like Him in all the earth, all honor to Him!

1 comment:

  1. This is very good, thinking about something so great and beautiful outweighing something so dirty is so powerful! Without limits, without measure, GRACE abounds! It abounds all the way to the cross, where grace and mercy flows from....hmmm, it makes you stand in awe.

    Great word Carrie, as always!!! Love you!
