Friday, October 30, 2009

A little taller....

I remember when I was a kid I saw all of my friends getting taller and I remember being one of the shortest girls in my class until like 7th grade. I remember I wanted to be tall like them. I wanted to grow a few more inches so I wouldn't be in the shortest group of my class. I would ask my mom why I wasn't growing or when I would grow, or if I would be 4 ft something for the rest of my life!! If it was that way for me, I can only imagine how it was for guys. I know one of my best friends was a guy and I will never forget him being shorter than I was until one summer. I know it must have been very hard for him, being in jr. high and shorter than most other guys, but like I said one summer he hit his growth spurt for real! He was about 5 inches taller, regardless he was now average. In Jr. High I also caught up and surpassed a lot of the other girls too! I remember how tall I wanted to be and how important growing was for me. Sometimes it was so frustrating. Even as a kid when I dressed up I would put my mom's shoes on and think of how I was getting so close to being her size! I remember even though I wanted to grow I didn't measure myself every single day. I would wait until the dr. told me or my mom would measure me or something like that. Growth to me was wanted by me, but recognized by my parents.
Earlier I heard something about growing and the "wandering" years for Jesus and for the Israelites. The short clip said that those were the best yrs. for them. Sometimes now, spiritually, I just wish I could grow several inches and see it........but even when I don't see my growth, Jesus does and that makes all the difference! As long as we are doing the things that grow us, even when we feel like we aren't growing, something inside of us is shifting. When things are fed, they grow. That's the bottom line. A parent's desire is to see their kids become healthy adults. How much more does God desire His children to grow in Him. That is HIS utmost desire, that his children grow in Him! So, even during those frustrating times, they are precious because every now and then Jesus pulls us up and says check this out.... after months have passed he has been making marks on the wall to see how much we have grown... and He will show us! This is a scripture of growth: Call on me and I will show you GREAT and Mighty things (secret, fenced in things)! Jeremiah 33:3
I am thankful, that when I am pursuing and seeking after God, He is molding me and growing me to be more like Him!

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