Monday, October 26, 2009

Unlock the Glory

If things hold us back we rely on our own power. I think of obstacles I face outwardly or even struggle with internally, both in the past and present. I think about the future and things that are far off. I think about all the things I want God to do, and it's not to give me more money or to give me stuff. Everything has to do with Him and His will. Getting back to this place took an empty heart, with everything around me broken and just as empty. I was at a place where I went to the well and experienced a new tasting water so then I gathered it up and took it back to my village but then noticed it was temporary. So then I would go back and draw from the well again, and drink of it. Because it was temporary I constantly had to go back and draw water. Water that never last and only reached a certain point of satisfaction, but never fully satisfying. And then one day when I went back to the well, Jesus was there....... and it was after drawing so very much that I realized that nothing would EVER be as fulfilling as Jesus. Well now I realize where I am, but that doesn't necessarily mean that everything is fixed or perfect, but this is what it does mean.
God, I am here in this place where I am hungry and thirsty for you. I want to see what you can do, not what another person can do, but what you alone can do. I want to be so hungry for you and have a love for you that is greater than anything else. I don't want to constantly be held by condemnation or make you small with human reasoning, because I know that you wash our sins as far as the east is from the west.... and what you do is great and mighty, and above everything that I am or could ever imagine. These are my desires... to be so close to you, produce your fruits, and people see you. I want to really love you, but have a reverent fear of you all at the same time. Knowing you and your will even more, constantly submitting myself to you.......
I believe that this is the place where I am: that I give up.
That I give up in my victory, that I give up in my salvation, that I give up in my will, that I give up in my piecing things together, that I give up on my ideas......... but at the same time gaining His victory, and His salvation, gaining His straight paths, and taking on His ideas. I am at a place where only His glory and His power can do anything. I don't want to touch any area of my life, or have someone else speak something to me (that is appreciated and helpful), but I believe I am at a place where what He is going to do will be so glorious that in this process I will know that it was Him and HIM alone. The good thing is that I can not give myself credit for it, anyone else credit for it.... but to Him and Him alone. I want Jesus to do things in Carrie Tucker that I have never heard of and beyond myself. Destroy everything of me that does not please you. I cannot have holiness and junk residing in the same place. It is important to me that the word is fulfilled and that in me He does exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask or think.... things beyond my comprehension. So I am at this place where on the power of God can do and only His glory will be revealed and that Jesus will receive ALL glory and praise for it.....
and I am at this place where only God can do.................. and that is how I want it to be.
If I have to seek harder so be it... but whatever things happen I want them to be all God so that I can see a new aspect of HIS glory and power. And see I know that I cannot let things get in the way because He has overcome... and if I can just walk in the fact that HE has overcome... nothing can hold me down...
In the book Fear of the Lord.. John Bevere talks about how we have served God in the image that we made. Sin has shaped our view of God, our happiness has shaped our view of God, our pleasure has shaped our view of God, our lack of faith has shaped Him, this world, people, has shaped our view of God..... I guess that is why we dont fear Him, why we sin against Him and why we don't live our lives to the capacity He has for us...... I know that I do not see God fully for who He is or else I would go around the same mountain, or struggle against the same giant, or pick up the same chain.... and I need God to show himself to me, full in His glory. That is why I am where I am......................and I don't care as long as I become fully reliant on Him. This is best for me because I will see His glory.. fall more in love with Him and have more of a fear of Him and others will directly see JESUS. I am so sorry for never allowing myself to see God full in His glory and for not giving Him reverence with my actions... so others couldn't fully see Him. Jesus, I want to fully encounter you with your glory... and I am going to hang on.
From day one, the enemy has been about lowering the glory of God in our perspective. He talked Adam and Eve into eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and by giving into this the glory of god in THEIR eyes was made smaller and became limited. Not only that but they began to see their flaws instead of the imaginable glory of God.. and then they tried to cover up their mistakes but forever they would see His glory through their natural eye. That's why we now have the Holy Spirit because the Spirit is of God and so that thing in us, will allow us to see the glory of God through spiritual eyes and not fleshly eyes.
He has overcome, therefore we overcome.
Let me see your glory, like Paul did on the road to Damascus that forever changed Him.
Whatever needs to be done, do it.... so your glory will be revealed to me and through me.
I cannot let anything stop me, because if I do I am starting to rely on me.
I need to love you more and I need my eyes to be opened fully to your Glory, God.
Chabod: Weightiness, the root, heavy, glorious, notable, or to be renowned. The opposite of heaviness is lightness which is equated with vanity, emptiness, temporariness, or instability.

So why wouldn't satan even try to lessen our view of God's glory. He did it to Jesus when he showed him all the kingdoms he could have..............
So my desire is to fully see God's glory.................and just let Him be God to me and through me!
We are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb...... if His blood was already shed, we have already overcame.


  1. This is very awesome! I love you, and I love to read what you read, because I know it comes straight off the pages of your heart!!!
