Monday, September 21, 2009

but I'm not sure what that means........... to be like you

It's so easy to make a judgment about something or someone we know without actually knowing every single detail. What makes a judgment such a false and cruel thing is the simple yet complex fact that a judgment cannot be fully relied on unless the situation or a person is known completely inside and out. Often times we see a consequence of an action or a person or situation, and assume the motives behind it. Assuming only leads to more false pretensions, because again we lack all the components in what caused the effect. **We put the puzzle together and because we don't actually know what the entire picture is supposed to be, we come out with a different result and run with that** That's a dangerous thing. I look through judgmental eyes, try not to, but do sometimes. I wonder how many people I have wrongly accused and not given a fair chance because of that? I guess that's why Jesus can judge all, because he knows and sees every motive, responsible for behavioral outcome. I guess the only thing that is different about someone like Jesus compared to us is that despite accurate judgments, ones that we would even condemn, he doesn't. So someone that never made a mistake, loves those who make the "worst" and "most" in our eyes, yet people like us, who always make mistakes, judge others easily and without thought. I am assuming that is where the whole plank in your own eye scripture comes from. I think if Jesus was to just come down and chill with me, he would give me a good talking to. I think he would be sad...father sad. I guess it's weird because I never experienced father sad, only great father disappointment. Like when I would do things, it was just never good enough, or I could always use some improvement. That is another novel all in itself. Anyways, point exactly is that Jesus would a little sad with me, I think a little heart broken because he misses me and stuff like that.... but saying that first because his footprints went places mine will never go and that mine are not fit to fill, so I can never play the judgment role... but I do think that if He came and strolled the streets of our country he would be "father sad".... sad first with the church, the one divided between the "religious" and "anti religious", then sad with the people like me who were "hanging on until the decision is made" and sad with the fake people...I wonder if the hurt he feels from creation, hurts more than being nailed to a cross, hurts more than being suffocated. I wonder if I hurt him that bad? I have been hurt by people, ones who I thought believe in me and turned their backs on me, but mostly only one person at a time... not by multitudes, but Jesus was also hurt by those who turned their backs on Him and hurt by multitudes at a time. I guess his grace and his hurt for us, is something that I cant ever fully fathom. A million things and philosophies I attempt to wrap my brain around... but this, this I never can. Grace isn't fully my nature, only part of my genetic makeup. I cant hypothesize or make a theory about why I make following him so complicated. I wish I didn't. He commits to me, but I struggle with making up my mind....because everything else is so glamorous. If I truly saw His light on those things, I can only see the things it would really be.. I guess the visual I get of this situation is being in a dark cave like an old mine and seeing some things that sparkle and glow, and following them.... but then when the sunlight enters into the mine.. it reveals those things that sparkle as skeletons with fools gold in their eyes.... probably sounds weird, but makes perfect sense. In the dark anything shiny is appealing. Maybe I should stop writing and re-read this... because it's important. but before I do, a point that is resounding in my brain is the fact that I make a lot of judgments and see things a lot of people are doing wrong or right, but I'm not standing up myself and doing a thing....... .... It's easy to sit around and talk about stuff or people who do it wrong, but to make an attempt actually requires something.... and it's not easy. I don't want emotional, strict rule following, anti religious, or radical.....I want pure and authentic and the things that follow that, because that will be the most real, the most powerful, and the most revolutionary.

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