Thursday, September 3, 2009

Serves no Purpose!

I have always said, and will always firmly believe in the power of the snooze button. It is the very enemy of my soul, okay well thats a little much, at least the enemy of priority! This morning I was going to attempt to go for my 9 mile tempo run, but as I got up of course I was hobbling around. Ugh, this leg is seriously getting on my nerves. I know to most people, running is not as important, so taking a few days off to let it heal doesn't destroy their daily lives. I mean I know worse things could happen. It's just hard to accomplish certain goals when you cant work towards those goals. Oh well, I'm planning on going this afternoon when I get out of class. Speaking of class, I still need to do my homework and study a little more. Then I plan on hitting a good run *fingers crossed* then coming back and having college and career. R.E.A.L. That's what it's called but I totally forgot what that stands for, maybe something something adult life? Anyways, Im pretty excited about everyone seeing our new apartment and then playing some volley ball and stuff. Playing volleyball is probably one of my absolute favorite things. So, this weekend I'm possibly getting another pair of shoes and also ordering a pair.. so two new pair SOON! I am also planning on getting a bike (cheap one) and some goggles. Im going to try to start cross training a little more to make me stronger and more versatile. Who know's maybe one day do a triathlon. But I do want my 5k time to get a lot stronger. My goal for my 5k is to do sub 20 and 10k sub 42, and I have several months SEVERal to get my 5k race goal, but hopefully will get my 10k in the beginning of Nov. I know I am probably the MOST repetitive person, but my leg has to get better. No, Im not Kara Goucher, I don't do this for money, but it's like brushing my teeth.... thats very important!! Anyways, Im learning to just love the moments I have anyway. Well I have to go clean some more, so that it will be spotless for our guests. I hope today is a beautiful day, fall right around the corner...

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