Friday, September 4, 2009

Every single person on this earth is made up of many components that make them unique. Each individual has built in factors, some we all share while others we don't. For example, we all breathe; however, one may be smarter than the other or more talented at a sport than another. One thing that we all share is the detail inside of us that drives us and causes us to search beyond, press on, and move forward. What is the one thing we all share? It's this thing that we live by daily whether we admit it or not, and it's known as competition. This drives us to move forward and not settle. It can be viewed in many different aspects. The first perspective we can view competitive human activity is a broad national view. Take for instance the United States. When the country was founded, it was founded with every reason to move forward and colonize. Many settlers did'nt just say, "We are here, Virginia is our only colony and that's the way it will stay!" Instead this nation was pioneered, because of a pressing and a searching that was instilled in the very being of the colonists. A nation was developed, politicians were elected. Despite the "flaws and failures" or every American president, I'm positive that each of them shared the value to make our nation stronger and advance it in every way. A politician isn't elected by making his campaign one of which states "Let's stay the same, forget advancing technology, forget various reforms, we are fine the way we are." From day one of the founding this nation has advanced. To look at a similar viewpoint, take wal-mart for example. Wal-mart had to grow with the economy and population demand. If it wouldn't have, then it would be stuck in a 1990's atmosphere about it and productivity line rather than advancing into the 21st century. From an individualistic view, every human being has a desire to excel and move forward. Take for instance when we are born, our parents teach us slowly to become independent. After learning to walk and talk, we go to school. After learning basic education, we are encouraged to continue until graduation, expanding and growing in knowledge every year. Then as graduates we are encouraged (in most places) to attend a department of higher learning or either jump into the work force! Why? To move forward. In this process whether we are aware or not, we are constantly competing, with ourselves, others, and time to move forward. We have athletic teams who are based on competition, where they excel at their sport of choice. We even have churches that compete with one another to win people into their congregation. Competitive activity surrounds us. Is it bad to be competitive? Heck no! I am very competitive. The key to developing this is a. the motives behind it and b. to what degree you are being competitive. I believe this was built into us to move forward and to never accept where we are in life. This is the key to help us to set goals and reach them. Many people in life have an apathetic attitude, but this is the excuse to failure, that say's I don't want to get up again. Competition shouldn't die. It should be made stronger with every obstacle. Competition should not be used to tear one another down, but used as a gift to become better individually, corporately, or as a team. It's kind of like paint. Paint is a good thing and makes things better. It makes improvements, as with competition. But you can also take that paint and splatter it everywhere you aren't supposed to put it, making a huge mess. Competition should be developed, the longing in us should never grow cold.... it's what drives us. You have a choice, you can either throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face.

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