Sunday, September 6, 2009

Don't Sweat the small stuff... or so they say!

You have always heard the saying "don't sweat the small stuff," but is that statement questionable. A while ago when i was loggin some miles I thought to myself how if I didn't sweat then a. I was not taking in the right material b. my body wasn't getting rid of the wastes it needed to and c. my body temperature would not be cooling itself off. Our bodies work like a machine. YES! you are a machine!! HA.. but seriously it's very important to do your part and drink water because when you are battling it out on the streets it reengergizes you, prevents cramps, and then when you sweat you are getting rid of toxins and also cooling yourself off. Putting in the water is a key role. So where am I going with the talk of water and perspiration.

When I think of water I think of more than disani, I think of living water. I think of God and his grace. Sometimes I wonder how I went so long without him. It's like I was running with no supply and then just swelling up with junk, not being able to get rid of it. I let thing after thing after thing build up in me. So it was like I was running with all the weight, when some 'water' would clear that up. God who they call, the living water, gives us strength to move forward and as he pours into us, and we push forward, things are released from us. As we run we become lighter and not entangled with all the junk we were wrapped up in. I have no idea if this makes sense and it's not the most deep subject, but it's true. We hold on to things only adding weight to ourselves. So I guess I am just saying that we gotta let every small thing go, because even those small things add up and add up fast. Also I learned from running on my hurt leg, that it does only get worse and leads to not running. We try to hide those hurts really bad and just keep walking in our relationship with God without telling him or letting things out to him. Then our pride cripples us. We thought we could make it through but we cant. That always sucks. Then when you try to walk all you can think about is that hurt and thats becomes the vision of which you see everything. It's very sad too. The first time I ever went to McCullough Christian Center, I heard a lady share this. She said, "Last night I had a dream, and in that dream was a glass full of dirt. I held the glass under water and slowly the dirt rose to the top. Then the water kept filling it. the more water filled the glass, the more dirt came out. Before long, there was no dirt, but only overflowing water." That's stuck with me for years! So, I guess you can learn from every situation and God's gotta get your attention somehow. that's how He got mine. So, sweat the small stuff, not by worrying about it, but Releasing it.

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